Do you hang out with your agency owner?
I recently had the honor of a visit from John Karageorge of Complete Auto Service of Ann Arbor. As you can see from the photo, we had fun, even though I don't like the outfit I wore! This was taken in downtown Mount Airy, North Carolina - otherwise known as Mayberry. That's the cop car from the actual show.
Bottom line: your success is mine. We're here to help each other make dreams come true.

Meeting Grant Cardone
Grant's books and training in entrepreneurship, sales and life have helped immensely. I went to a conference just to meet him and thank him.

🔟❌ Bootcamp
Out to dinner talking business and expansion.

Adventure vacation through Jordan, Turkey and Israel
This is me staying with bedouins in the desert.
Owner Bio
Who is this Aletha chick?
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I grew up helping my dad repair cars. Our pride and joy was our 68 Midnight Blue 'Maro. He worked for a big heavy equipment corporation and I saw the effects of not being an independent shop owner, of lacking freedom, and being in the dollar-per-hour situation.
That's why I'm 'driven' to help independent shop owners succeed. Customers put their trust in you every time they do business with you. I'm proud to help those who deliver elite services that help their communities and pay people's salaries.
I've been working online in one way, shape or form since the early 90's. I've been in big agencies and small agencies; I've worked in-house marketing departments too. Some of my accounts include American Airlines, Nextran USA, Disney, and the University of Florida. I was a team member at one of America's first web development firms, analyzing server logs long before Google existed. Ahhh Mozilla and AskJeeves.com; grunge rock and Skechers shoes, the late night Duke Nukem office battle royales.
I decided to build a team and pool all our knowledge to offer affordable, effective solutions to small and medium service businesses. We are lean and fast; we've been known to complete a website in as little as three weeks. We don't sit around debating fonts and colors, we get it DONE so you can start succeeding.
Who wants to wait around for success?
Are you a local business who wants to go to the next level?
I'd love to meet you and see how we can help.